Maching Learning

  1. [ml] 사후검정 링크
    | ml | 사후검정 | anova

    [ml] 사후검정

  2. [ml] 가설검정 링크
    | ml | 가설검정 | 추정

    [ml] 가설검정

  3. [ml] Z검정 링크
    | ml | Z검정 | 추정

    [ml] Z검정

  4. [ml] T검정 링크
    | ml | T검정 | 추정

    [ml] T검정

  5. [ml] 분산분석(anova) 링크
    | ml | 분산분석 | anova

    [ml] 분산분석(anova)

  6. [ML] XGBoost Regression 링크
    | ml | xgb | boosting | regression

    [ML] XGBoost Regression

  7. [ML] Regularization method - Regression 링크
    | ml | regularization | regression | ridge | lasso | elastic_net

    [ML] Regularization method - Regression

  8. [ML] Random Forest Regression 링크
    | ml | random | forest | regression

    [ML] Random Forest Regression

  9. [ML] Linear Regression 링크
    | ml | linear | regression

    [ML] Linear Regression

  10. [ML] KNN(K-nearest neighbors) Regression 링크
    | ml | neighbors | k-nearest | regression

    [ML] KNN(K-nearest neighbors) Regression

  11. [ML] bias and Variance 링크
    | ml | bias | variance | overfitting | underfitting

    [ML] bias and Variance

  12. [ML] Bagging and Boosting 링크
    | ml | bagging | boosting

    [ML] Bagging and Boosting

  13. [ML] SVM ( Support Vector Machine) 링크
    | ml | svm | support | vector | classification

    [ML] SVM ( Support Vector Machine)

  14. [ML] Logistic Regression 링크
    | ml | Logistic | Regression | classification | odds | roc_curve

    [ML] Logistic Regression

  15. [ML] Generalized linear Model ( GLM ) 링크
    | ml | GLM | linear | regression

    [ML] Generalized linear Model ( GLM )

  16. [ML] Decision Tree Classification 링크
    | ml | decision | tree | classification

    [ML] Decision Tree Classification

  17. [Machine Learning] Study List 링크
    | ml | plan | regression | clustering | timeseries

    [Machine Learning] Study List